We go beyond installing a new geothermal exchange system.  We diagnose, fix and acquire operating systems.


Feasibility, test drilling, and thermal conductivity

Acquisition & Partnership

Acquire and/or partner with existing owners and operators


Diagnose, finance and fix, and operate projects that have been having operational issues


Develop, construct and operate a system with no upfront cost


Convert conventional systems to geothermal. Reduce you carbon footprint and your bills.


Have questions that need answering? Check out some of the most frequently asked questions on what we do and how we do it.

  • Nothing. Earthworks puts up all the capital to complete the project. We also manage the entire construction process as well management of the system.

  • Give us a call. We will perform a feasibility study to ensure the economics make sense for everyone. We will enter a contract and then perform a test bore hole to ensure the assumptions in the feasibility are accurate. If everything checks out we will manage the project through construction and operations

  • No. Earthworks doesn’t move forward with a system unless it is competitive its carbon based alternatives. Prior to moving forward with any project, Earthworks will perform a feasibility study to ensure this would be case.

    There are currently incentives at federal and municipal levels that encourage the installation over the next 5 years

  • We will work with your construction and/or operations team to ensure there is little interruption. Much of the drilling can be done in advance of any construction.